KADS is a
voluntary organization of farmers registered in 2001 under the
Charitable Society Act, 1955 of Kerala. The mission of KADS is
securing fair price to farm produces by avoiding middlemen,
promotion of quality organic produce production, and assistance
in sustainable management of natural resources through awareness
campaign, promotion and practicing of eco-friendly agriculture.
It currently has membership of 1242. KADS facilitates
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Farmers in Kerala are passing through serious economic
hardships, as they are unable to sell their various farm
produces at reasonable costs. Middlemen strongly control and
dictate the market of agricultural produces. A producer farmer
does not get his share of the selling cost of the produce. Very
often he is forced to make distress sale. These produces are
invariably sold at very high cost and the middlemen are
pocketing a large share.The farmers are denied opportunity to
intervene in the market and do not have the bargaining power.
The production of various produces – food grains, vegetables,
cash crops in Kerala are dwindling alarmingly. The purchasing
capacity of the farmer is fast declining which is indeed a
threat to the livelihood security of large section of farmers... |